Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 4, 2011

The letter for the future Global citizens!!!!!!
Dear everybody,
I am very happy to write this letter for all of you-people around the world about the Global citizen’s qualities. Do you know who the Global citizen is? They are the ones who are ready to break their country border down to go to the world and join hands together to bring Peace, Happiness and Love for our own world. In order to become a good Global citizen, the one should have Global quality. According to the criteria of the Global citizen, we can classify the Global quality into three main qualities: Empathy, Responsibility and Equality. All my friends, I will tell you more about these three main categories of the Global quality.
The most important quality of the Global citizen is Empathy. Have you ever helped someone in need because of your empathy with them? I am sure the answer will be YES for most of us. However, I wondered how many of us had already helped the ones who were not the same country with us. Just a small number of us do that, right? While you and I hardly say “Yes”, the Global citizen will be always ready to help everybody in the world because of their empathy with everyone. The global citizen will not just work for their country or just open their heart with the one they know, they travel and help other people in other countries without thinking about their material benefits. Their empathy bring them the valuable spirit benefit is to share and to help the poor and suffered people because many people in our globe need our empathy such as the children need us to teach them some lessons, the poor need us to give them food and show them how to work for the food, the suffered people from the war need us to release their wound. Therefore, the Global citizens with their empathy helps others a lot. So, what do you think about that, my friends?
The second important quality is our responsibility with the world. The British author-Thomas Paine said that: “my country is the world and my religion is to do good”. That saying becomes the aim for the Global citizen. If you and I just think about our benefits, our country’s benefits because we love ourselves and our countries, the Global citizen will erase the border of their country and the world to do their responsibility with our own house-globe, with our own relatives-people around the world. For example, with the situation in Japan recently, while we felt very sorry for them but we do not have any help for them except for a little money to reduce their suffering, the global citizens are ready to travel to Japan to do their responsibility with Japanese people such as helping them to rebuild their country, sharing suffering with them because the Global citizens know Japan is the part of their own country-the world. Therefore, the global citizens are really become the leader of the world who have their responsibility with our own world. Are your ready to become a good leader of the world, my friends?  
The last but not less important quality of the Global citizen is Equality. Everyone, you and I, no matter what country we come from, what religion we belong to, what color our skin is and what social economic group we are in, we have the same rights and needs. With the same needs and rights, everyone from the Africa, through the Europe, across the America to the Asia receive the help from the Global citizen. They give us the same help, the same hope, the same happiness although you might be in Europe and I might come from Asia. The global citizen suddenly woke us up from the long sleep of distinguishing between the yellow skin people and other skins or between the white skin and order skins,…  They-the global citizen give us the chance to know although life is sometimes not fair among many countries, it is still good because they-the global citizens have made life much more equal day by day. The global citizens can be very equal with everybody in the world. How about you, friends?
Together with empathy, responsibility and equality, we can change the world, can make the world more beautiful and much more peaceful like the global citizens. Therefore, why don’t we join hands to build our globe up as a global citizen? I hope you and I will do our best to be the next global citizens. Write to me if you are ready, my friends!

1 nhận xét:

  1. I really love your creativeness, not only in this essay. However, I am afraid that the way you develops this essay is not really for classification.

    Mark: 8

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