Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 3, 2011


Inflation is a general, continous increase in prices. When it comes, our money will lose real value in the market. It is easy to see this problem in our life recently as we can only buy fewer goods and services with the same amount of money than before. According to some articles, in the first three months of the year 2011, the inflation rate went up to 6.1% whereas the GDP only increased to 5.5%. That means the inflation is becoming high in our country’s economy. In this time, life of many people are not easy at all. Everybody coming from a small village to a big city finds it difficult to live with “the price storm”: the farmers have troubles with their pockets, the workers feel tired with their financial problems and the managers get headache with their business,... How about students at university? Are they affected by the high inflation? Of course, YES. Most of students at university are specially influenced on because they come from and are supported by the farmers or workers or managers’ family, etc and because they cannot earn a lot of money or even cannot earn any money to struggle with the increasing price. That’s why most students are now facing with many difficulties; however, with the same situation-high inflation, some cannot overcome and fail while some can learn many good lessons to be much more successful in life.
Although life of students in the past and the one in the context of high inflation are the same in some cases, they have some changes that cause lots of troubles. One of the similarities of the students in the past and now is getting support from their beloved family because they spend almost of their time to study their major and learn some skills for their future life. Like in the past, students now still spend their supported money for many kinds of fee: school fee, rent-house fee, transportation fee, etc per month. Besides their similarities, students’ life in the past and the one now have much more differences that cause many problems. First, they have to face with many increasing fees while the supported money from their parents are fixed or just a bit much than the one before. In the past, the price of a bus ticket was 3000VND, now it is up to 4000VND so every month they have to pay at least 60.000VND much to go to school  and come back home. According to Students’ newspaper, students also have to deal with the increasing rent-house fee in the high inflation. It is said that an average student has to spend at least 50.000VND higher for their rent-house per month. When the inflation is high, price go up every month, even every week, the price of the food also become a trouble for students. With 50.000 VND, just before Tet holiday 2011, a student could come back home quickly with a lot of vegetables, meat and fish from the market for a whole day whereas they hardly buy nutrimental food for all day with this amount of money now. Hardly buying healthy food with their own money, students also face with health problem. Everything - transportation fee, rent-house fee, the price of the food is going up, students’ study are badly affected  because of getting stress from spending their fixed money for the whole month. That’s why they have to save money to struggle with the “price storm” instead of buying their major materials, their favorite books to enrich their knowledge so they now lose chance to read book, one kind of effective study ways. While students could get some extra outdoor activities to learn some skills for their future life and some extra course like Enlish course to study in the past, they now may cut off them because of lack of  money. With some changes of their life in the increasing price, students’ life nowadays are not very easy at all.
In the context of high inflation, some students cannot overcome the troubles so they are easy to lose their way in life. There are some reasons that students cannot deal with their problem. First, they are familiar with spending money for some activities that waste an extra money per month while everything is increasing. For example, some school-boys wasting their money to go to the pub, dance and drink in the bar instead of saving money for increasing price of many fees, etc. Some school-girls spend their money to go out for shop, for spa, for eat without thinking of the increasing price happening around them. They might be OK in the past but not in the context of high inflation. Spending money for these activities, they find it hard to cover all the increasing fees. That’s why students are easy to fall into debt. Falling into debt means they cannot overcome their problems in the high inflation and then they drop school easily in order to earn money to enjoy their hobbies and pay their debt. Second, some students try to overcome the troubles coming from the high inflation by working part-time. It sounds a good solution but in fact it can make them lose their way in life. When the inflation is bad, jobs is becoming the most effective medicine for the virus-inflation. Therefore, it is hard to find a good part time job. That is the reason why most of them spend a lot of time to work hard without studying and why some of them are forced to do the bad job, or bad behaviour to earn money. Very busy to work, they cannot have a good result in study. Doing bad work, bad behaviour to earn money means that they cannot control themselves in front of money. Consequently, some students really lose their way in life in the context of high inflation because they cannot go through the problem of lack of money.
While some lose their way in life, some can learn many lessons in the context of high inflation. With them, high inflation is the chance  to know how to go through the problems of lack of money by saving money and earning money in the good ways. In the context of high inflation, saving money is the best way that many people, especially students like. In order to save money, they try to manage their money in the pocket by considering which products they should buy, which ones they should not. They find it interesting to ride their bicycle to school instead of using the bus to save a little money and practise their health. And the other way for them to win the high inflation is buying the promotional product from the supermarket to save a little money. Working part time is another choice for students to deal with the increasing price. They can ask the teacher to give them some advices and decide which job is the best to do. My friend is an example for that point, she works as a tuitor three days a week under her teacher's commendation and has enough money to pay for housing fee and buy some books. Others try to study hard to get the scholarship to struggle with high inflation. From some students’ magazine, it is said that many students can get scholarship because of the motivation from the high inflation. That’s true. Some students really want to reduce the burden of finance in their parents’ shoulder so they try to study hard and earn money from their study result. With these good solutions, some students can learn such good lessons that they could not study when the inflation did not come such as saving money, earning money from part time job and from their study. In the future, they may be very successful because of being brave to go through with the trouble like high inflation.
High inflation is causing many problems for students at university. It makes some students’ life harder than ever and makes them easily to lose their bright future. However, the increasing price brings many good lessons for the others who can catch the chance in difficulties. Therefore, high inflation is not really a bad context in students’ life but a good chance when they know trouble is a friend and try to go along with it in the right way, students can be successful with it.

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 3, 2011


Life with the students in university is not easy at all. They have to face with many problems everyday. For examples, students get stress with some hard subjects, live under the pressure of the scores and even have troubles with their first love in life. Moreover, in the context of high inflation nowadays, students seem to be much more stressful than ever because of the increasing price besides some problems above. The price of everything has been increasing whereas the students just have a fixed amount of money from their parents and hardly have the support from the school or the government. Therefore, a pretty difficult question is created for almost of students who are affected directly by the high inflation is that how to get deal with it?
Sorry Mrs, maybe tomorrow I will pay the money for you”, Nam said.
Tomorrow? No!!! This evening or you will get out of my house!”, the landlord shouted.
Please, Mrs! My mom will send money for me tomorrow! I’ll pay for you as soon as I get the money!”, Nam tried to convinced.
Don’t talk anymore! This evening is the deadline!” she said and went away.
Listening all the conversation between them, I sighed and felt sad for Nam, one of students who is affected by the high inflation. One month recently, everyday his landlord comes and asks him the rent-house fee but he could not pay for her. Like many students in the context of the high inflation, Nam does not have enough money to pay for the increasing prices such as the higher school fee, the higher bus ticket’s price, the higher living fee,… And now, he will be out of house if he does not pay money for his rent house. It is such a big problem that Nam or many other students have to face in the fast increasing price context today. Consequently, I wondered what they should do to overcome this problem in order to live and study well in this time.
“Save money, only use it for something necessary and try to forget your favorite hobbies that waste money like going shopping, going dancing in the bar,…- in the high inflation context, my all dear students”. It is the first useful tip of my soft skill teacher for most of students who have to face with the increasing price problem recently. He- my soft skill teacher also advised us to work part time, manage the time suitably and try to study hard to deal with the high inflation. Let’s dicuss more about those solutions to know why students should follow my teacher’s advice.

(for body part)
Para 1: Using Cause and Effect paragraph: students should save money in order to live in the context of high inflation. Give some reasons that students cannot save money and give some effects of wasting money in this time in order to advise them to save money.
They cannot save money because they are familiar with wasting money for using cellphone, having parties together, going shopping,…-> they are easy to have difficulty in finance, feel stressful with this problem,  could not concentrate on their study, and easy to drop school in the context of high inflation => they should forget their wasting-money activities and try to save money instead.
Para 2: Using comparison & contrast paragraph: Working part time is one of the good ways for students who have difficulty in the context of high inflation. Explain why students should have a part time job by comparing life of student in the past to the one in this time.
Similarities: they have to spend money for schooling, housing, buying foods, drinks, books,…
Differences: the price of everything has been increasing whereas they just get money from their family with the fixed amount of money every month.
ð Students should have a part time job in order to deal with the problem in this time.
Para 3: Using Opinion paragraph: students should try their best to manage the time and study hard in the context of high inflation.
Managing the time while the price is increasing fast is the key for students to overcome such a big problem. Knowing how to use our time per day can help us to work part time but it is not influenced badly on our study.  Owning the time by ourselves, we can also get some special prizes, gifts from some contests by joining  some outdoor activities after doing our duty at school so we can get money or some products by luckiness or by our effort. -> students can go through the high inflation context b/c of managing the time suitable.
Try to study can help student to get a good study result to get the scholarship and get much more knowledge in order to have some good solutions for our country’s inflation now and in the future.  

Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 3, 2011


Wring is a very difficult subject that I have to study from the primary school until now. When I was young, I found it difficult to write something and wondered that why we- students had to study it. However, everything has changed, I now love writing so much because I know how helpful writing is in our life like recording things, making us more creative, smarter and even helping us show our problems and express our emotion.
Writing with its power not only helps us to record things, but also makes us more creative and smarter . Do you know when writing was created? According to some historical books, writing first appeared as people wanted to record things that they had already done in order to let the next generations know about their life and transmit their experience with the young people in their society. Thanks for Writing- a great invention, we now know how people lived in the past through their handwriting although they lived in the hundred year ago. With writing, we have also received many huge inventions and a lot of  great worth principals from our front-generation like the invention of telephone by Alexander Graham Bell or why the apples can fall from the tree through Issac Newton’s Gravitational Force by their own writing papers. Writing can also help us to remember our lessons through our notes which we write in the class because noone can be sure that they can swallow everything they study in class without writing the lesson down. Moreover, writing makes us, especially students more creative and smarter. When we record lessons in the class, we have to take note as fast as possible and just something very important. That is the time for our brain to choose what is important and what is necessary to write, day by day that skill will help our brain to work more effective and more logical in recognising something. Of course, with our logical and active brain we can  create something new from the old one easily, right?  It’s not enough, writing can also help us much more smarter. When we want to write  something, we need to read, to learn more about it and even try to think and express our thinking about that in the paper. Learning, thinking and trying to write what we read from the books and what we have from our experience in our words can make us smarter day by day and year by year. Therefore, writing helps us to receive the humans cilivization from our front-generation as well as transmit our experience for our young generation in the future,  helps us to remember information by recording things and  makes us more and more creative and smarter by doing our own handwriting paper.
Have you ever found it difficult to  show your problems or even express your feeling by speaking? I’m sure that there comes a time in everyone’s life when we could not open our mouth to talk about those things. And Writing is the great  way to solve that difficulty. I once made a survey with my friends whose majors are English about when they really want to enjoy writing. Some of them, about four over ten people said that they would like to write when they wanted to show their problem that they could not tell with someone. And most of them, around six over ten people enjoy writing whenever they want to express their emotions or their feelings. They all agree that writing helps them a lot in showing their real feeling which is not very easy to speak out sometimes. From some other reseaches on some articles, people can show and overcome their all troubles  when they keep diary – one of the forms of writing. I strongly believe with this point. To me, whenever I have trouble with my roomates, I don’t want to talk with anyone, I just want to go to the quiet place and write everything which causes that problem in my diary to know whether I am right or wrong and choose the suitable way to solve my problem. With some impatient people, that is the stupid way to show the problem  but if they try, they will know how effective it works. In an argument, speaking out everything at first make us comfortable but not for the others. At that time, we are too bad-tempered to recognise which is true and which is false so we are easy to be stressful, get mistake and hurt other people. Therefore,  writing  our problem down is a better way to keep calm, reduce stress and have a good solution  than speaking out everything when we couldn't control ourselves in an argument. Moreover, writing helps us to express our emotion with other people. Writing is a very traditional way to give our love, send our best wishes or even share our secret with someone we really love. Giving a writing paper, a writing letter for someone can helps us show our real feeling with them. At that time, we might make them smile or even cry because of being happy by our writing paper. Why don’t you write a letter or just a piece of paper for someone you love now? You will see how happy they are when they read your paper. I’m sure that it will be pretty awsome. Consequently, writing is one of the best ways  to show our problem or even express our feeling.
Thanks for writing, we all get many great benefits from it such as  keeping information, training our brain, showing  problem and expressing emotion. However, we, especially students in school should try our best to learn how to write effectivelly in order to be successful in life with our writing skill.